From 'God Calling' for 11 August and 12 August:
You Are Mine
Jesus, Thou art watching over us to bless and care for us.
Yes! remember that always – that out of darkness I Am leading you to light.
Out of unrest to rest, out of disorder to order.
Out of faults and failure to perfection.
So trust Me wholly. Fear nothing. Hope ever. Look ever up to Me and I will be your sure aid.
I and My Father are One. So He Who made the ordered, beautiful world out of chaos, and set the stars in their courses, and made each plant to know its season, can He not bring out of your little chaos peace and order?
And He and I are One, and you are Mine.
Your affairs are Mine. It is My Divine Task to order My affairs – therefore yours will be ordered by Me.
Rule the World
Remember no prayer goes unanswered.
Remember that the moment a thing seems wrong to you, or a person’s actions to be not what you think they should be, at that moment begins your obligation and responsibility to pray for those wrongs to be righted, or that person to be different.
Face your responsibilities.
What is wrong in your country, its statesmen, its laws, its people?
Think out quietly, and make these matters your prayer matters.
You will see lives you never touch altered, laws made at your request, evils banished.
YES! live in a large sense. Live to serve and to save. You may never go beyond one room, and yet you may become one of the most powerful forces for good in your country, in the world.
You may never see the mighty work you do, but I see it, evil sees it. Oh! it is a glorious life, the life of one who saves. Fellow-workers together with Me. See this more and more.
Love with me, sharers of My Life.
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And here is an inspirational article on a patron of ours, who knew battle far better than we will ever know. Consult him as an advocate, a guide, a comrade. He has always helped me, and when you ask for his help, you will definitely feel a sweet presence of holiness at your side. I promise.