Sunday, November 11, 2012

America: Pray for Truth!

The Prayer Warrior's Mission: Present Day Ninevah

Like Jonah, God chose us out of all eternity to be His mouthpiece.  Feeling unworthy, we fled to a place to hide, to escape.  But God showed us clearly that we were chosen, and we were thrown out of our hiding place, into a violent storm and were swallowed by the whale of knowledge.  Since then we have been suffering inside that whale.  We trembled, we converted, repented, prayed.  We prayed for God to spare us, and show us the way.  He has shown us that we are evangelists and prayer warriors.  Utterly flawed and unworthy, we've searched for answers as to what a small, imperfect child could do, to help God.  Our answer came from Our Mother.  She called us and was our loving mentor.  Her guidance:  Pray, fast, and don't worry. Then hid us under her mantle, a place of protection.  We are now there, but all of us are perplexed at what is happening and what our role is now.

We have been shown interiorly that the United States has a big role in God's plan of salvation.  We know the why:  Mankind has become more evil than any age in history.  The how, and what - we simply don't know.  We grieve deeply at watching America be ravaged by evil governing, evil entertainment and media who are the instruments of the proliferation of evil and lies on a massive scale.  The latest blow was to watch our beloved republic be seized by evil powers in the election.  The election may have been staged by whomever the global elitist is that put Obama in power in the first place.  Some believe that he didn't win in '08 and especially he didn't win this re-election of a second term.  It is a clear injustice that America should fall under the power of a person who was only popular in the electoral college counties. Despite this, we know God sees.  He sees that there are people who chose good over evil.  For perspective, view this map:

As we grieve what appears to be the loss of the American republic, we know we are to continue to pray, perhaps now more than ever.  But the thrust of prayer has shifted.  We are now to pray for Truth and prepare for what lies ahead.  

Truth, on every level of existence, in every nation, in every facet of humanity; must be prayed for.  Politically, intellectually, culturally and interiorly, Truth must reign.  To reign, Truth must be sought actively, in prayer. It is simple, and is what God wants now.  In order for God's plan to unfold, the Glory of Truth must be revealed. It is the only hope for humanity to be set straight, and the world be saved.  Because America has much good left, there is great hope, if only in our last days - we bring back Truth!  This may be at our own humiliation before other nations.  This nation must recognize, confess and reject all lies and beg God's mercy.  Once restored in Truth, America can light the way to help other nations and peoples.

The True Kingdom
Our mission is to pray in a way that we may not be used to.  Pray with confidence.  Pray with peace.  Pray with force.  Pray knowing you are breaking a dam of falsehood, and opening floodgates of grace, like a giant Baptism upon humanity.  Pray as if we hold in our hands, the greatest power in the cosmos. A power that every creature would bow to, with awe.  Pray knowing we are part of a Kingdom that does not know defeat - for which defeat is not possible.  Pray with trust!  This kingdom is God's kingdom; it possesses such power and is so vast, that our universe cannot contain it.  It emits a power  which places peace and order to things.  It's ability to do so, surpasses human understanding.  

Pray for the glory, the eternal wisdom, the splendor of this great, powerful force - to manifest powerfully, on every level of our existence. This great power is the Splendor of Truth.  It is God the Holy Spirit, manifest.  And He is alive.  The great secret about Truth?:   It is received, only as much as it is sought.

Truth is a sword.  It can build, but it can also destroy.  Truth can reorder creation.  Truth can restore what is destroyed.   Truth can transform any heart, any relationship, any civilization; any heart...any soul.  The great battle that rages in this era is for the human soul.  On every nation, and in every heart.  What has snared humanity and nearly destroyed it is - every form of untruth.  

When we look at where the human soul is, we see the damage manifested from untruth all over the world.  It is because we are dealing with the antichrist.  And he is quite easy to crush, actually.  All we need is Truth.  In the face of it, he cannot stand.  He will be destroyed, and the Kingdom of Truth will be restored among the sons of Adam, and on every level of creation.

So now, we have our orders.  We are to pray for Truth, with Truth and by Truth.  Look at every level of ourselves.  Place truth in every place of our existence.  Make a deep and honest confession.  Tell others, to do the same.  Urge everyone you know to get right with God, then with their families, marriages, relationships, co-workers.  Examine every act we do or have done.  Was it done in complete honesty and truth?  If not - ask God to change everything that is untrue so we may live in complete Truth.  All of us must do this now.  We are to be the Jonahs, the light, and take this message to all the ends of the earth.  

Pray for the Sword of Truth to slay all the untruth in our nation, in our society, on every level of creation, in existence.  This may cause the earth to rumble, and the skies to open...but it is wonderful - to allow Truth to restore righteousness to it's people who are starving for Truth - to once again reign in glory!

When chastisements come, do not be afraid.  Instead, praise God for them, because it is a sign that He is restoring Truth and righteousness.  Welcome them!  And on every level, when faced with untruth - call upon Truth to create freedom anywhere untruth exists!  Pray with fervor, and hope!  Pray the chaplet of Mercy, because only from the mercy of God shall we spared and protected.

On this path, these things may be helpful:  
  • Go to confession immediately.  Ask for a special grace in confession, to have a new awareness of every untruth in your life, the ability to repent and be healed of it, and may Truth from here on out, purify your life and transform your life to the core.
  • Pray for your ears to be opened, that Truth begin to speak to you in powerful ways that will help you to help others find it.
  • Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day at 3:00pm.
  • Fast every Weds. and Friday as if your life depended on it.  Fast for Truth to be unleashed upon America as never before.  Especially upon the leadership, the media and all areas of great influence  upon every nation and people.  If they have hearings and scandals - pray for ALL Truth to be revealed, and that it may transform our nation to be as God designed.
  • Pray the rosary daily for Truth to transform hearts.
  • Abortion is the greatest lie upon earth - at every consecration at Holy Mass, implore Truth to slay the beast of abortion off the planet forever.  And that all wounds abortion caused, will be healed.
  • Obtain and read the book "The Harbinger".  Tell everyone you know to read it.
  • Watch the media, and be active in it to spread Truth whenever and wherever you can.  Just make sure it's Truth - check resources.  Don't be afraid to be a mouthpiece, and don't be afraid of persecution.  Put yourself back in the belly of the whale if you do...then realize your place is to warn Ninevah.
  • Truth without love is evil.  So as Truth begins to transform you, if you cannot be a herald of Truth with love, then back off and pray until you can evangelize with both Truth with love - together!
  • Prepare physically for uncertain times.  Expect change.  Do not be afraid of bloody martyrdom.
Emmanuel - God is with us!  Sackcloth, ashes and all!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

54 Day Rosary Novena for the Elections and for Peace

Prayer Warriors; or any American who wants to change the course of history;

We can all see that our nation is in trouble - we suffer a moral crisis, which is leading this great and blessed nation into a downward spiral to destruction.  We urge everyone to join in a national effort to change the course of our future by picking up a rosary to join in prayer for a 54 day rosary novena.  Three, nine day novenas of petition (27 days), followed by 3 nine day novenas of thanksgiving (27 days).  We need to elect good leadership that will guide us back to righteousness and good; prosperity and grace; to fulfill God's will as a great nation, under God - indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  The novena will continue a few days after the election to remain in vigil for the military ballots.

The power of the rosary has been known throughout history to turn defeats into victory!  See and read:

For those needing instructions on how to pray the rosary:

It is asked for those participating to go to sacramental confession as you begin, attend Holy Mass as often as possible, fast on Weds and Fridays, and try to give up something during the novena, as is done during lent.

Global peace is in great danger at this time.  In Our Lady's messages to Ivan, she has asked repeatedly, pleading for people to pray for peace:

America faces new healthcare laws that will expand abortion widely, and will strip this nation of it's religious freedom.  There is time to stop this legislation from implementation, only if the elections favor pro-life candidates, and conservatives who will overturn the healthcare mandates.

This election is paramount, and peace is threatened in the world as never before.  The elections are tough because we have mainstream media skewing the truth, misleading millions on whom to vote for.  In America we have learned of corruption at so many levels in our government and it's leaders it has many hearts deeply disturbed.  It is becoming evident that world powers are poised to take control and individual liberty and freedom is profoundly threatened.  We simply must implore God to help us.  He is our only hope.  We have a wealthy Father with great power and glory.  He knows what we face, and He knows we cannot do it alone.  Let us use the tools we have been given, and be the David facing Goliath - with great faith!

Emmanuel - God is with us!

A Prayer for our Nation's Election

O God, we acknowledge You today as Lord, Not only of individuals, but of nations and governments.

We thank You for the privilege Of being able to organize ourselves politically And of knowing that political loyalty Does not have to mean disloyalty to You.

We thank You for Your law, Which our Founding Fathers acknowledged And recognized as higher than any human law.

We thank You for the opportunity that this election year puts before us, To exercise our solemn duty not only to vote, But to influence countless others to vote, And to vote correctly.

Lord, we pray that Your people may be awakened. Let them realize that while politics is not their salvation, Their response to You requires that they be politically active.

Awaken Your people to know that they are not called to be a sect fleeing the world But rather a community of faith renewing the world.

Awaken them that the same hands lifted up to You in prayer Are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth; That the same eyes that read Your Word Are the eyes that read the names on the ballot, And that they do not cease to be Christians When they enter the voting booth.

Awaken Your people to a commitment to justice, To the sanctity of marriage and the family, To the dignity of each individual human life, And to the truth that human rights begin when Human Lives Begin, And not one moment later.

Lord, we rejoice today That we are citizens of Your kingdom.

May that make us all the more committed To being faithful citizens on earth.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Spiritual Plagues of Humanity - The Martyrdom of this Age

The other night as I prayed before sleep, I had a bold realization.  The Holy Spirit opened my spiritual eyes.  I realized plagues have already been unleashed upon the earth.  God commanded His Angels to unleash them as punishment upon humanity as a consequence of it’s rebellion against God.  The plagues aren't what we expected.  This is why the true remnant church is suffering all levels of martyrdom. Plagues of the Old Testament had to do with physical suffering of the flesh.  Because we are children of the New Testament; heirs of Christ’s legacy and His creation of the church with the seven sacraments (fonts of every grace imagninable), the new plagues have a dimension far surpassing those of old.  While physical, they contain the spiritual core that eats at the soul as well as the flesh, and worsens with each descending generation.  Each involves personal sin; free will and a distinct choice to disobey God.  Thus, our judgement will be undeniably clear.  They are:
  • Birth Control
  • Divorce
  • Abortion, and all forms of carnal violence and bloodthirst
  • Terrorism on mulitiple levels - interior and exterior, national and individual
  • Pornography
  • Homosexuality
  • Addiction/obsession
Any consent to succumb to the plagues causes severe spiritual blindness where human conscience is silenced.  Each plague has far reaching consequences that increase exponentially with compromise of our wills, and effect the most innocent of our society the most.  The only individual protection from the infecting plagues are Truth, purity, faith and passionate renouncement of sin.  The plagues are undeniably real, and have resulted in severe generational, social and spiritual destruction.

Each of the plagues cause moral decay, and destruction of:
1. marriage
2. the family
3. the individual

The plagues create a suffering beyond the scope of anything of prior human history, and has escalated to a cataclysmic scale affecting all these levels of human existence:

socially and globally on every continent of the earth

They are all diabolical signatures of the antichrist.  Each of the plagues have caused intense suffering on each of these levels destroying the individual and humanity, from within. Natural disasters have resulted from the disorder of nature caused by these plagues, and are now an additional element of present day martyrdom.  
These plagues have affected all 3 parts of the Holy Church:  the Church Triumphant, the Church Suffering, and the Church Militant.  The whole church is battling like never before to protect and regain it's members upon earth who are being destroyed by the antichrist.  Because of the strife of this great battle, the veil between these 3 branches of the church is thinning, and the church is becoming more graced with an awareness of it's union to one another across the great chasm between heaven and earth.  This gives us ever greater appreciation for the communion of Saints we enjoy at reception of the Eucharist during Holy Mass.

Since the plagues have entered the cosmos, the angels are presenting the church's painful martyrdom to the Throne of God.   All labors of the harvest and the suffering of Christ's church Militant, is being joined to Christ’s passion and death; in atonement - that it may save the lost.  No living being has been spared of the pain caused by these plagues of our day, from the ‘awake’ or the ‘asleep’ people of modern times.  The spiritual and natural cataclysm applies to what has happened within the church and the priesthood as well, causing the church to bleed, but she will not be destroyed.  Even the animals and creatures of the earth, including the entire planet wail in agony; it's entire nature has been disrupted.
The awareness of these plagues is a great gift.  It shall provide insight and recognition to what the antichrist is doing, and how to fight the tide of evil trying to consume us.  This grace is granted only because God desires that we be healed on all these multiple levels, from the core of our soul to the hairs on our head.  God knows every bit of what we are going through.  Jesus is clearly the complete remedy.  We are going to be part of epic miraculous healings as never witnessed before.  The spiritual blindness suffered by mankind is healed by sacramental confession and prayer. 
Our Lady of Medjugorje heralds the new era; to prepare us for what comes.  She has been calling us now since 1981.  She urges us to walk toward the way to the cleansing and healing of humanity from the plagues - which of course is Jesus.  Not just accepting Jesus, but development of a passionate search and love for Him.  God's plan is huge, and it is all yet to unfold.  We have been struck down for so long we haven't been seeing it - because of the generational and profoundly oppresive nature of our times. 
The reality of Mary in Medjugorje and her role in this is undeniable.  Two articles I must share that emphasize this fact:
  1. The Vatican may assign a guardian bishop to Medjugorje?  It’s about time!
  2. This article nicely describes the power to destroy the enemy’s power over us via sacramental confession:
  3. Those who have been to Medjugorje can tell you, the pivotal moment of the pilgrimage is sacramental confession.  Medjugorje is a school of prayer, and a font of healing.  It teaches two huge things:  1. prayer  2. CONFESSION.  Confession is so emphasized, take a look at the physical buildings in Medjugorje and how it is central to serving the sheep who flock there for what I call ‘spiritual warpdrive’:
If the confessionals are all being used, the priests will grab folding chairs and set up confession in the grassy field or wherever there is an open space, and a long line quickly forms.  Confession is a visible sign of Medjugorje that proves it's authenticity in my eyes.  Perhaps it is one of the many reasons the Vatican is getting serious about the Shrine.

One of my biggest irks with the church is that there aren't enough confession timeslots available to the people.  How many times I have stood in long lines for a long time, after great difficulty to get there - to be turned away.  Always worth it, even if it takes 3 or 4 times.  And in the meantime, because I needed it so bad, was exposed to spiritual dangers that could have easily nailed me.  I always think of a weaker person who is turned away - will they make it back?  Do the priests realize how hard it is for us to recieve this sacrament? 

Once, while standing in line for English confessions in Medjugorje, I saw a group of Croatian field workers (dirty and sweaty), stop for confession (the crops there are tobacco, vineyards and wheat, with no modern machinery).  As one young man of the group exited confession, you could tell he was slain in the spirit from the power of the blessing and was trying hard to walk away but his legs were noodles.  The other worker helped him safely slump to the ground, pulled him aside to get him out of the way, and resumed his place in line like it was an everyday thing.  (chuckle)

Here is another area in Medjugorje where they built confessionals to accommodate the pilgrims.  It wasn't built while I was there:  
The Holy Spirit is trying to wake us up.  We are called to return to confession on a regular basis (preferably once per month, for some - more often) to reopen those spiritual eyes that we were all born with.  If you are facing big warfare for anything - start with confession!  It will make you bulletproof - protect you from about anything the enemy throws at you!  If I have a  huge spiritual realization of myself or the world, it's always after I have been cleaned up and my spiritual eyes have the mud washed off! 

Children of God - the enemy has much to fear.  For the small remnant army, we have no might of our own.  This is GODS BATTLE!  The enemy has beaten down humans, but he can't conquer God!  All we can do is a soldier's duty.  To pray, and use the weaponry God gave us!  Live as purely as possible, clinging to the sacraments as much as we can.
Emmanuel – God is With Us!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Novena for Religious Liberty, Reparation and to End Abortion in the USA

                                           (all photo rights belong to artist, John McNaughton)


In Kansas, May 23rd (Anniv. of the death of Servant of God, Fr. Emil Kapaun) through May 31st (Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary) join the statewide 9-Day Novena with Prayer and Fasting for Religious Liberty, to Make Reparation and End to Abortion in Kansas and the USA. Catholics throughout are asked to pray, fast, pray the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, go to confession, attend Mass daily and receive Holy Communion, pray one hour in prayer before Jesus in the Eucharist, make daily sacrifices and daily pray the USA Novena Prayer. Masses will be offered across the state for this intention during the novena. Persons from each parish are asked to organize events such as a Holy Hour, daily Rosary, or daily Chaplet of Divine Mercy, etc., at one’s church; but each person is free to participate in their own way.



O Father, Author of Life, we forever entrust and consecrate our State and the USA to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The government is threatening our religious riberty by mandating we violate our conscience, and more importantly has taken away the Right to Life of unborn children. By this novena, we pray for religious freedom, make reparation for our nation's sins against life, and ask You to end:

+Human embryo research;
+In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) which freezes & kills “extra” children; human cloning;
+Euthanasia; sterilization; and contraception.

Dear Lord, help married couples realize contraception harms their marriage, by preventing the total gift of self to each other and says no to You; who may deign to bring a child into the world.  Father, we have not been told the truth; that chemical contraceptives prevent a child from implanting in the mother’s womb within 6-10 days of fertilization; so the child You created dies, without the mother knowing she was pregnant. Father, once they sorrowfully realize this truth, forgive them for they knew not what they were doing. Grant young people may live in abstinence and purity, rather than promiscuity. O Merciful God, guide the leaders of our nation and all Americans to forever establish a Culture of Life, Love and Liberty. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of our country, and through the intercession of St. Joseph, Guardian of the Church, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen!

Short Version:


O Father, Author of Life, we forever entrust and consecrate our State and the USA to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The government is threatening our Religious Liberty by mandating we violate our conscience, and more importantly has taken away the Right to Life of unborn children.  By this Novena, we pray for religious freedom, make reparation for our nation's sins against Life and ask You to end:

+Human Embryo Research;
+In Vitro Fertilization (IVF); which freezes & kills “extra” children; human cloning;
+Euthanasia, sterilization, and contraception.

O Merciful God, guide the leaders of our nation and all Americans to forever establish a Culture of Life, Love and Liberty. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of our country, and through the intercession of St. Joseph, Guardian of the Church, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Holy Triduum: Cleansing Our Family Tree

Holy Prayer Warriors; Sent to earth to aid in the salvation of souls for these trying of times, and in this unique stage of human history, it is crucial to be spiritually cleansed in ways we perhaps didn't realize.

During this Holy, sacred week, there is a lot of spiritual warfare. The Lord of Hosts is preparing His soldiers for the days ahead and He wants us strengthened. We may not realize it, but many of us have been weakened by unknown forces for a long time, perhaps since we have been born. It is time to be set free, to eliminate needless assaults so we can be more focused on the immense need of lost souls right now.

I have been sensing a strong connection to the people of heaven lately; family, friends, prolife warriors who have passed, saints, angels. Sensing their presence along side us, doing what they can to assist souls in trouble. I sense urgency, but a peaceful joy from these breezes from our heavenly family. It is important to recognize our value, our importance in the unfolding of history. Our prayers carry FAR more weight than we ever imagined.

It is important to create a prayer climate wherever we are, but we must realize that God knows we are busy with daily duty and the demands of our jobs and family. He wants us to OFFER, lovingly - our obedience to daily duty to our families and chores; as an incense of labor and love, as prayer sent to heaven. God hears. God sees. God knows. He knows our hearts. He wants that open communication with Him now, and He needs his soldiers listening to Him, no matter where we are, or what we are doing. He will send us little signs like whispers, if we will only recognize His presence in every breath we take. He will also show us miracles via the Holy Mass and the Holy Rosary. We are going to see an escalation of answers, and 'miracles' from our prayers.

In order to live more centered within God's Will in our families, God wants to give us 'a good scrubbin'. He wants us cleaned up. Being a generation late in human history, our family trees may have become contaminated with undesirable bondages, disorders, sinful tendencies because of our ancestors, the typical junk accumulated from being human through the generations and the fall of Adam. Some contamination more serious than others. It is time to present our family trees to the altar of God.

It would be best to have masses offered for our family trees, and I urge you to have this done as soon as you can. And during this most Holy Triduum, pray this powerful prayer each day, with concentration, focus, and great reverence:

Prayer for Healing the Family Tree

Rev. John H. Hampsch, CMF

"Heavenly Father, I come before you as your child, in great need of your help; I have physical health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, and interpersonal needs. Many of my problems have been caused by my own failures, neglect and sinfulness, for which I humbly beg your forgiveness, Lord. But I also ask you to forgive the sins of my ancestors whose failures have left their effects on me in the form of unwanted tendencies, behavior patterns and defects in body, mind and spirit. Heal me, Lord, of all these disorders.

With your help I sincerely forgive everyone, especially living or dead members of my family tree, who have directly offended me or my loved ones in any way, or those whose sins have resulted in our present sufferings and disorders. In the name of your divine Son, Jesus, and in the power of his Holy Spirit, I ask you, Father, to deliver me and my entire family tree from the influence of the evil one. Free all living and dead members of my family tree, including those in adoptive relationships, and those in extended family relationships, from every contaminating form of bondage. By your loving concern for us, heavenly Father, and by the shed blood of your precious Son, Jesus, I beg you to extend your blessing to me and to all my living and deceased relatives. Heal every negative effect transmitted through all past generations, and prevent such negative effects in future generations of my family tree.

I symbolically place the cross of Jesus over the head of each person in my family tree, and between each generation; I ask you to let the cleansing blood of Jesus purify the bloodlines in my family lineage. Set your protective angels to encamp around us, and permit Archangel Raphael, the patron of healing, to administer your divine healing power to all of us, even in areas of genetic disability. Give special power to our family members' guardian angels to heal, protect, guide and encourage each of us in all our needs. Let your healing power be released at this very moment, and let it continue as long as your sovereignty permits.

In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage with a holy bonding in family love. And let there be an ever-deeper bonding with you, Lord, by the Holy Spirit, to your Son, Jesus. Let the family of the Holy Trinity pervade our family with its tender, warm, loving presence, so that our family may recognize and manifest that love in all our relationships. All of our unknown needs we include with this petition that we pray in Jesus' precious Name. Amen.
+++++++++++++++St. Joseph, Patron of family life, pray for us."

Emmanuel - God is With Us!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

World War III and the Glory of the Lord

Prayer Warriors;

I stumbled across an interesting webcast recently. It was Glenn Beck, stating that WWIII has already begun. Everyone knows it and feels it. He explained, that WWIII is different than past wars; it is a different battle. It is the battle between hope and despair, and it has the world in it's clutches. I would have to agree with the man!!

I thought more about this. I think he is onto it correctly. Our Lady has been speaking to us since 1981 about true peace, and the only way to have it, is through prayer, to allow Our Lord to enter our hearts, to constantly invite Him into our lives. She says, pray, pray, pray. This message is repeated over and over. The thing is, this battle is an interior one. It takes place in the human heart. We are fighting this battle now, and have been for awhile. On all levels of society, our culture, our faith, our government, between nations, in our families, within marriages and relationships, between parent and child. Mr. Beck indicated that this war, may manifest later into different capacities, and his emphasis is to be physically prepared. There is certainly nothing wrong with that I suppose. But for us, chosen warriors of the Most High, this is a battle we fight on our knees, with self sacrifice.

Before God, we have been beggars for years, and I suppose we will continue to be, but it's time to change our temperament a bit. We have been frustrated, sometimes beaten down, literally, in many ways. This lent is a decisive one. We all know it, we all feel it, from the depths of our heart. So much is at stake!

It is time to renounce every shred of fear and despair that dwells in or around us. It is time to embrace courage, confidence; to have patience, perseverance, and fight with peace in our hearts. To fight with peace? This seems foreign to us. But why should it be? This battle is not our own. We do not control the cosmos. We barely have control of our beating heart or our checkbook. God does.

Our Mighty God has control of everything. And you know what? His Glory is coming! Like a mighty sword! His Glory is so far beyond what we could possibly comprehend that it is time to recognize how deaf, dumb and blind we have been all this time. Do we realize how priviledged we are to live in this time? To be light-bearers when the world enters this foretold time of great darkness? Are we recognizing our true value as the church militant?

We have witnessed very disturbing developments in the world over the last few years. And in recent weeks we in the United States are seeing our religious liberty threatened like never before. As the blogger, Mark Mallett outlines (in recent email fwd). Lawlessness and corruption are exploding exponentially. Our government and civil leaders are acting in very disturbing ways; power and money appear to be controlling our world, the righteous man doesn't seem to stand a chance anywhere. Wars loom, weather gets wierder, freakish horriffic crimes are not only increasing, but are being splatted all over world news. Why? To frighten us, of course. The enemy is a god of terror, of hate, of death. But - we are children of light, of love, of LIFE! Isn't this truth GLORIOUS??

It is the time to shed our old clothes, our old wineskins. Embrace more of a life of the spirit. Detach from the flesh. As we fast, let us strip ourselves of these worldly worries, all things of the flesh that weaken us with unnecessary passion or anxiety. Embrace JOY and PEACE. These bad things are horrific. But they WILL PASS. And what comes? Will be glorious! Let us ask God to BRING ON His glory - to our lives, to our family, to our culture, our schools, our nation. May His victory be proclaimed in our small lives. In our mundane tasks. In our living rooms, offices, parishes. Time is coming soon when we may be separated from the world. And ya know? It may just be wonderful! This lent, let us together try to bring the kingdom of God into our hearts, families, lives, as we have never done before.

The 40DFL has started this lent, and also Alabama is doing a novena of Masses to end abortion. Please spiritually unite to these God-chosen warriors! Also may all who have laid their burdens before us asking for prayer...may we unite to pray fervently, as a soldier assigned to complete a mission. Dear Children of Mary, many amazing things lay ahead. Run to Our Father this lent. May we find that garden of beauty and rest that Our Lady has spoken of, within our own hearts which is there for the asking. Teach ourselves to toss our heavy, painful burdens to this Great Father we have. Place our flesh, our humanity, all that concerns us, in the hands of Jesus. May it be united to His passion, and offered to the Father. So he may deliver and prepare us, for HIS Will. That it may be fulfilled, through us.

Blessed Lent to all. Emmanuel. God is with us!

Recommended reading:

1. Searching for and Maintaining Peace - Fr. Jacques Phillippe
2. Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence (the secret to peace and happiness) - Fr. Jean Baptiste St.-Jure, St. Claude De LaColombere
Both can be purchased here: or, they are old classics and can be bought at any catholic bookstore.

Friday, January 6, 2012

To Begin 2012: Bring the Light of Life to the Earth

To start let us reflect upon the message given to us on Jan. 2, 2012:

Our Lady's message to Mirjana Soldo of January 2nd, 2012:

"Dear children; As with motherly concern I look in your hearts, in them I see pain and suffering; I see a wounded past and an incessant search; I see my children who desire to be happy but do not know how. Open yourselves to the Father. That is the way to happiness, the way by which I desire to lead you. God the Father never leaves His children alone, especially not in pain and despair. When you comprehend and accept this, you will be happy. Your search will end. You will love and you will not be afraid. Your life will be hope and truth which is my Son. Thank you. I implore you, pray for those whom my Son has chosen. Do not judge because you will all be judged."

Then - let us respond. I call all prayer warriors to participate in this novena. Pray not just for Kansas but for our entire nation to crush out abortion, and may the Gospel of Life be victorious! Remember to pray for our priests as Our Lady asks, and pray for the candidates running for offices to lead our country. Pray for righteousness to prevail, good leaders, which are hand picked by God, to govern the people justly and as He intended!! This nation has much to give the world, but we are crippled with evil leadership that must be replaced with the goodness that is the true heart of America. Let us begin 2012 with new inspiration to brush up on our fasting skills, and be more dedicated to prayer.
Novena to End Abortion in KS Forever:
Jan. 14th to Jan. 22nd (Anniv. of Roe vs. Wade) join Catholics throughout the state in a 9 Day Novena to End Abortion in KS Forever.

Join in Daily Prayer, Fasting, Sacrifices, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Holy Rosary, Holy Hour, Confession and Daily Attendance at Mass at your parish to End Abortion in Kansas Forever.

Over 100 parishes throughout Kansas will offer Masses during the 9 days. Pray daily during the Novena, "We forever entrust and consecrate Kansas to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus." The Lord and His Holy Mother, Our Lady of Gaudalupe need your help to do your part to End Abortion in Kansas Forever.
For more information, contact,

Thank you!

Please read this article regarding how other parts of the country are fighting Abortion with the Eucharist!

Emmanuel - God is With us!