Friday, November 18, 2011

The Queen of Peace speaks from Vienna, Austria 11/17/11

We are all the blind, the poor and the lame. Yesterday was a great event, and most of us had no idea this occurred. The Virgin Mary called a gathering of prayer which was telecast live via webstream. It is said she told the world that those connecting via webstream would recieve the same graces as those who were present there. It began at 10am CST, with a talk by Ivan Dragecevic, rosary, the apparition, Holy Mass and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Cardinal Schoenborn presided with several hundred priests in St. Stevens Cathedral in Vienna, Austria. Recordings of this event are already posted here:

I transcribed the Virgin's address (per Ivan Dragecevic) to all witnesses of this event, below.

Our Lady’s Message thru Ivan to pilgrims at Apparition at Vienna , Austria ; and via Webstream: 11/17/11

Ivan began by stating how difficult it was to find the words to describe the apparition. For 30 years he has tried to find the words, but he still cannot. He said it was difficult to describe this encounter with Our Lady. He is still with her as he stands before us now. After each encounter he needs hours to get back to the world and feel the earth beneath him. When she comes in truth she brings part of paradise with her. This is why he wants to describe it to us, to become closer to us.

To begin this encounter we prepare with the rosary. Through this we move into the encounter. As I prayed at 6:40 I began to feel her presence stronger as I knelt and the apparition started. When you no longer heard my voice anymore is the moment when she comes. The first of her coming is a light that cannot be described. It is the light of paradise, not of earth. When she comes I cannot see around me or feel anything around me.

She came happy and joyful. She said hello with her maternal greeting ‘Praised be Jesus Christ my dear children’. She prayed with hands open for all priests here. He entrusted all the priests to her. She prayed with open hands over all here and gave her maternal blessing. Also all items that were brought here. I entrusted to her this diocese, and to you cardinal. She prayed for this diocese. After that I entrusted to her the needs of families, the intentions all of you brought with you. After that she prayed for all the sick here. After that she gave this message:

“Dear children; Also today I call you to prayer in a special way ….when once more. I call you again my children. Pray, pray. God can give you His peace. Be a witness to everyone and a carrier of God’s peace. I am with you and pray for everyone here. Don’t be afraid. The one who prays is not afraid, and has no hatred in their heart. Thank you dear children that you came this day; you followed my call.” We prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be. She continued to pray and after this she left and returned to heaven in a sign of light, of heaven. “Go in peace, God’s beloved Children”

Ivan says what is most important, is, in truth; this evening is full of the Holy Spirit. What would be more beautiful than starting advent this way? I hope we all go home renewed in this spirit, and continue this renewal in our families; evangelize with our families. We become a sower of good seed. I hope all here, we’ve sowed this seed and it’s fallen in good earth to bear good fruit.

+ + +

This event was heaven reaching to earth, to call to the human race, that God loves His Children. He challenges us to realize that we must be shaken from our blindness. The world has become deaf to the Word of God, and our duty toward God. Immersed in the sludge of sin that WE ALLOW to surround us, He calls us to reject darkness, and bring light to the nations. This sludge exists because of our lukewarmness toward God. As a result we have allowed greed, selfishness, sexual sin, addictions, hatred, perversion, arrogance, and all sorts of other sins to manifest themselves into our culture, into our governments, schools workplaces, and living rooms. It has created blindness and lameness of our faith/duty to God that is unprecedented. As the Virgin Mary came to earth to speak to all people with love, a special call to wake up from this slumber, the blindness and the apathy was realized. A call to recognise our place in the human race; our true identity as a Child of God. That place is not to sit back and try to be numb to the erosion of goodness in the human heart; instead to arise - be a light to the nations! Walk in a new life! We are commissioned by heaven, God the Father Almighty - to be a new creation through Jesus Christ, her Son. Cast off the old, clothe ourselves in the new. Prayer is our path. Fasting will be our strength to renounce all passions and love of the flesh. The Holy Eucharist is our food, our physical bond with Jesus; this mystery that not all people recognise (John 6). As stated in the messages that were shared at this grace filled event: God calls us. Now. Our Mother's presence, her allowance to visit the earth for this great call, is not about fear, warnings of doom. Althought the world suffers a crisis of faith, Our Father wishes us to live in joy, in peace. This is attained in Him only. Prayer is what places us back in the heavenly glow of grace, joy, peace. He desires to be brought back into family homes, and all levels of society. But first, begin in our families this new life of prayer and grace. It will then spread to all other facets of human existence. Prayer will strip our blindness away, and ears to hear. Prayer give us the shoes of peace and the ability to walk in the light.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Holy Spirit calls for RESTORED and healed Children of God

The Holy Spirit is calling each of us to actively seek the healing we each need. We are all wounded, and have areas of wretchedness that we alone cannot conquer. God saves. God heals. God cares for his children. But in this disordered and fallen world He does expect us to take the first step. That is to approach His throne. To acknowledge our identity as His Own. Come to the Holy Spirit's call to attain wholeness, as to equip us for the job we were sent here to do, in the field of souls. We are the harvesters. Let's get busy. And let's start by letting God be God, and get ourselves healed of the brokenness. May the deaf hear, and the lame leap! Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

3rd Renewed and Empowered in the Spirit
Conference for Ministries November 12, 2011 (9 AM - 6PM)
"One in Spirit - Love One Another"

You are invited to experience God's awesome power through the gifts of the Holy Spirit given at
Pentecost, and now given to us. Encounter Jesus' healing, peace and love for you through praise and worship, teaching, testimonies, prayers, activities and Holy Mass. You will be transformed!

8:30 am Praise and Worship
9:00 am Opening Prayer and Introduction to the Conference
9:15 am "Loving and Forgiving One Another" (Sr. Joann Schneider, C.S.J.) 10:00 am Testimony by Barbara Reiser “Healing with Faith”
10:30 am "Do We Love Ourselves?” (Fr. Pat Malone - Wichita, KS)
11:30 am Testimony by Kay Allton “Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit”
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Prayer for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Core Team)
2:00 pm "Using Our Gifts for the Good of the Whole BODY of CHRIST"
(Sr. Agatha Faimion, C.H.S.)
3:00 pm “Come, Creator Spirit!” (Fr. John Lanzrath - Wichita, KS)
4:00 pm MASS (Fr. John Lanzrath - Wichita, KS)
5:45 pm Praying for Healing (Core Team)

Speakers: Fr. John P. Lanzrath, Chancellor for the Diocese of Wichita; Fr. Pat Malone, Diocese of Wichita; Sr. Joann Schneider, C.S. J.Congregation of St. Joseph; Sr. Agatha Faimon, C.H.S., Congregation of the Holy Spirit.

Conference presented by “The Holy Spirit Prayer & Healing Group”
Limited Seating, Free Admission. Free breakfast and lunch. Donations accepted.

For registration please contact:
Vanessa Banh 316) 250-9147
Molly Ramirez (316) 685-5983
Debbie Hecht (316) 249-1209 (Please after 5pm)! !