Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Year of Faith

We, the Children of Mary, have an ingrained knowledge when Our Mother cries, we must act.  It is a sign this world is in serious trouble, and that God is very much offended.  She gave us a gift to share in that sorrow; to be deeply disturbed by witnessing her tears.  We sadly marvel that she can bear such pain.  Our little sliver of bearing it drives us to pray as oft as we are able.  We pray any chance we can;  at odd intervals throughout the day.  We try to be connected to praying as we are to breathing.  Most of us swim in daily duty, and long to have deep, contemplative prayer, but as goes with this cross, we are usually stripped of it, so have to make our daily duty, our incense to God.

This identity, this knowledge of "who we are" before heaven and earth, equally leaves us dumbfounded by our own ineptitude.  To look at what we have been shown through Our Lady's tears; what we know interiorly, that silent, invisible sword that peirces our hearts in a miniscule way - and how poorly we respond to God's call!  We sadly realize how feeble, how wretched we are, and how lacking our response to it has been.

We recognize the age in which we live; but it's time to place in the big picture, the perspective of our individual lives, and the importance of our prayer life.  This image speaks volumes to the Native peoples who were given a prescription to pray and remain pure for the coming of the White Buffalo Woman who was to prepare and guide humanity thru tribulations and change.  It is the sign of great promise and hope.  It was prophesied generationally that this sign would begin the unfolding of events and great change, as do the prophesies in the Holy Bible.  We live in an age of prophecy and in the age of great spiritual battle.

We now face the greatest battle since the beginning of time - right now.  Right this minute.  Right this Year of Faith, 2013.  We are not dealing with humans.  We are dealing with powers, principalities and cosmic powers that we cannot see; we can't possibly know how they have altered the realms on all the levels of creation, but they have and we see it manifest.  Because we wear flesh, there's a great deal to our existence which leaves us oblivious.  This battle is so far beyond our capability it's laughable.  So as we enter lent, this Year of Faith; we must recognize this is the most pivotal Lent known in the history of mankind.  What we do now, will impact millions of people.  Eternally, for generations to come.

Childen, we have been shown, told, repeatedly - that prayer and fasting will stop wars and suspend the laws of nature.  Do we act like it?  We must ask ourselves. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the destruction and the exponential spreading of evil everywhere.  The degree of tension in the air is so thick we can cut it with a knife.  Time is speeding up.  There are so many things happening to attack any scrap of honor and grace at such lightning speed, we can hardly keep up with it.  Yet, we also must recognize that God and heaven does not operate "in time", and heaven is by our side, fighting far harder than we are.  God placed a veil between us and them, but there are times, especially at holy moments such as holy communion, that we can touch beyond that veil, and connect to powers and entities which equip us to do things far beyond ourselves and our capability.  Heaven makes itself known to us when the veil is thinned, and we all know when those times are.  The most blaring truth is that God shall be victorious, and He has a plan which we are part of.

Our Lady has been asking us to pray for our sheperds, Her beloved priests.  Now we see the fruits, as we are shown the prescription of our holy bishops, to implement the plan of God:

Specific prayer guidance is provided here:

We are called to fast all year long on Fridays, and we are called to monthly parish holy hours, to pray for marriage, the Gospel of Life and religious liberty.  This is a very serious call.  We are not to stay in a little comfort zone and do this within our own living rooms silently - no.  We are called to go visit our pastors, and implore them to implement these prayer guidelines in each of our parishes!  If they don't seem open to it, we are to continue to try, in whatever way we can, these guidelines, to repair our nation, our families, our world.

It doesn't matter if this is an area we are not talented in.  Go boldly.  The Holy Spirit will show the way.  Things will fall into place.  Trust.

Next.  Get people to confession.  Family members, friends, fellow prayer warriors, anyone and everyone.  If it takes doing spiritual reading to understand this sacrament it. Go to confession at LEAST monthly yourself.  Every week or 2 weeks is even better!  We must remain in a state of purity.  This is the Master's command.

Do penance.  Offer sacrifices that are beyond what you have done before.  Do different things.  Fast from unusual things that strip your flesh of a comfort, consolation, a pleasure or entertainment habit that you could instead spend praying for the lost or the suffering.  Place your nose in the scriptures.  Download that "Laudate" app on your i-phone (it's yellow with a pax on it), so in a spare minute you could be reading the day's liturgies, or doing an examination of conscience.

Involve your family in this journey of Faith.  Pray every night with your family.  Pray for family members; have a mass said for generational healing. Begin a habit of faith that will pour grace into your home and into family relationships.

And most importantly, we are to be joyful.  All these signs of tribulation only mean the King is coming!:  "...for today is Holy to Our Lord.  Do not be saddened on this day, for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength!" - Nehemiah 8:10.

You have your orders, soldiers.  Bravely onward.  In faith, in this Year of Faith.  You are bridled with the supernatural grace of God.

Emmanuel.  God is with us!

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