Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Novena to End Abortion in Kansas


Novena to End Abortion in Kansas 

 June 16th (Father’s Day) to June 24th (Birth of John the Baptist)
Pray the 7 Sorrows Rosary,
using the Rosary prayers as usual (Creed, Our Fathers, Hail Marys, Glory Be, Oh my Jesus, Hail Holy Queen, etc..
but use the 7 mysteries, or meditation prayers for each sorrow, below, praying 7 (or 10 if that's easier) Hail Marys per mystery: 
In Honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
 Chaplet Mediation prayers for AN END TO ABORTION:
1. O Jesus, for the sake of the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother shed during Simeon's Prophecy that a sword will pierce Her Heart, grant strength and healing to our nation, especially to the mothers, fathers, and grandparents who remain wounded and weep in heartbreak that they were deceived, and whose children were slain by abortion [Lk 2:34-35].
2. O Jesus, for the sake of the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother shed during Her Flight into Egypt, have Mercy on all the parents in the midst of crisis pregnancies who flee from those who pressure them to abort, and have chosen to protect their unborn children. Grant them safety, protection, courage, and help with their every need [Mt 2:13-15].
3. O Jesus, for the sake of the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother shed during Her Search for You, have Mercy on those who have lost You and who are vulnerable to the deceit of the anti-life mentality. Grant that they will find You again through the Faith remaining in the Temple of their hearts, and in the hearts of Your servants who defend life. Help them to find You as their Source of Life, and to find a home in Your holy churches throughout the world [Lk 2: 43-51]. 
4. O Jesus, for the sake of the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother, shed when You met Her during Your Painful Way of the Cross, grant us help when we are given crosses to bear in our lives, especially those in the pro-life battle. Grant that children no longer be viewed as a cross, a burden, disease or curse, but rather as precious and a blessing to the world [Jn 19: 25-27]
5. O Jesus, for the sake of the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother shed during Your Holy Agony on the Cross, send comfort to those who bear witness to the children dismembered, poisoned or burned to death today (by chemicals used in saline abortions), and grant salvation to dying souls who are in spiritual danger from past sins related to abortion [Mk 15: 37-38; Mt 27: 50-54]. 
6. O Jesus, for the sake of the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother shed when Your Sacred Body was taken from the Cross and placed in Her arms, have Mercy on all the mothers, fathers, and families who feel deep longing and emptiness, because they will never feel the warmth and joy of the child who was designed by God to be in their arms. Grant Mercy to this world because of the loss of future generations who have been annihilated by abortion [Jn 19: 32-33].
7. O Jesus, for the sake of the Tears of Your Most Holy Mother which she shed when You were placed in the Sepulchre, grant us strength to be Your servants for the Culture of Life so that Your precious unborn children will no longer have to fear rejection and death in the womb, and that all of humanity will share a New Hope of a blessed Resurrection in You [Lk 23: 55; Jn 19: 41-42].
After the 7 Sorrows Rosary, pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, St. Michael prayer and the Novena Prayer each day. 
Novena Prayer“O Jesus, by Your Most Precious Blood formed in the Womb of Mary, and through Her Motherly intercession, and the Fatherly intercession of St. Joseph, permanently deliver our state of Kansas from all abortion. O Jesus, hear our petitions for the sake of the Tears of Your Most Mother. Amen. St. John the Baptist, pray for us.” 
Contact: Father Edmond Kline
Thank and praise Jesus for His Glorious Reign over the Gift of Life, and this Victory IN HIM.

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